
About Us

Why Choose Web@laminute?

  • Best Hosting Provider
  • Award Cloud Infrastructure
  • Awesome Control Panels
  • Reference Domain Solutions
  • Support Premium 24/7/365
2000+ Clients
We bring a wealth of experience and expertise to achieve great milestones.
Our Infrastructure
3 Datacenters around the World with 1500+ servers with high availability

A Journey Through Time

Our Historic Legacy

Our history is a tapestry woven with innovation, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. From our humble beginnings to our position today, we invite you to delve into the chapters that have shaped our legacy.

Founded in 1997, GRAFIKLIF-Web@laminute emerged as a seed of an idea, driven by a passionate vision to redefine the possibilities of the World Wide Web. What started as a spark of innovation soon ignited into a flame that would illuminate the haitian digital landscape. Launched, at first, as a modern web oriented Marketing and Desktop Publishing Services, that's not take too long before we realized how Internet could change the way we communicate, Learn and have fun, click after click. Therefore, we decided to open our space to the public.

Pioneering Moments

In march 1997, we achieved a milestone that marked a turning point in our journey: The Grand Opening of The Very First Cybercafe in Haiti. This achievement not only solidified our place in the industry but also laid the foundation for the path that lay ahead.

The very First cybercafe in Haiti
Young students using the very First Cybercafe in Haiti

Throughout the years, we faced challenges that tested our mettle. From technological shifts, market fluctuations to social and political turmoil, we adapted and thrived in the face of adversity. These challenges transformed us into a resilient force, equipped to overcome any obstacle.

Empowering Transformations

As technology evolved, so did our solutions. Our commitment to innovation and social services led us to democratize the internet dialup service at the lowest cost on the market. This transformation enabled us to offer our clients with a land line phone service to have internet at home.But, the social and political turbulence in the early 2000s forced us in July 2004 to close our doors in Haiti and transfer our Services and Operations to the Dominican Republic, under the Commercial name NETIMAS.

We had great success in RD, but our entrepreunarial spirit has never left the motherland.

When we decided in 2009 to resume the adventure in Haiti, after five years of absence, the digital landscape had greatly evolved. We were forced to choose between the ease of following other players and trying to nibble their share of the market or start innovating once again. We chose the second option, by deciding to exploit a very promising niche, hitherto neglected, either for lack of interest and/or technical incompetence: Hosting and Web Development.

Short History of the Project Context

In March 2002, the Consortium Faculté des Sciences / Réseau de Developpement Durable d'Haiti (FDS/RDDH), supported by the Haitian Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communication (MTPTC), benefited from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) the redelegation of the .HT domain.

For the following eight years, registering a .HT Domain Name was an uphill battle. You had to wait for days, tossed between paperwork and bureaucracy.

To overcome this digital slump, we set ourselves a challenge: Register a .HT domain name online and in real time from the first day launch of our services.

Conversation between Pioneers, just after Web@laminute's launch
Schiller Jean Baptiste, Clifford Larose, Jaunasse Elysée and Max Larson
Web@laminute Hosting services launch

On August 2010, in Le Vilatte, Pétionvile, we launched Web@laminute. in front of select guests from the web sector, for the first time ever in Haiti, we had in realtime registered a .ht domain name by Credit Card.

Our Impact Today

Web@laminute stands as a beacon of progress, a testament to the power of unwavering dedication. With 26 years of experience, we continue to empower businesses and individuals to conquer the digital realm.In this regard, one of our many success stories is the ad phenomenon Daniel Fils-Aimé aka Tonton Bicha.

As his first manager, from day one, we gave him the essential guidance and tools to succeed. He is still considered to this day as the best Haitian comedian and publicist. Tonton Bicha first visual advertising Bicha is pictured here with Morane in his first visual advertising ever; exclusively concocted for the launch of the First Cybercafe of Haiti.

Today, our range of services, supported by a seasoned team ensures that we remain at the forefront of Hosting and Web Development in Haiti. In the ever-expanding digital landscape, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. At GRAFIKLIF-Web@laminute, we are committed to safeguarding your online ventures with proactive cybersecurity mitigation strategies that ensure your data, assets, and reputation remain unblemished.

Empowering Your Digital Fortress

As technology advances, so do the threats targeting it. Cyberattacks, data breaches, and malicious activity have become increasingly sophisticated, making cybersecurity a primary concern for businesses and individuals. We provide you with a wide range of tools for your cyber peace of mind

Our Future, Your Future

As we traverse the ever-evolving landscape, our commitment remains unyielding With your aspirations at the heart of our journey, we look forward to the chapters that are yet to be written, the milestones that are waiting to be achieved, and the impact that we will create together. .

Thank you for being a part of Web@laminute's historic narrative. We invite you to join us as we continue to shape the future, one innovation at a time.

Meet Our Management Team

Meet Our visionary leaders who steer the course of Web@laminute towards innovation, success, and unwavering excellence. In this section, we invite you to get acquainted with the dynamic individuals who shape our company's culture, strategies, and future. Discover the profiles of our management team members who bring their unique insights and talents to the table.


Clifford H. LAROSE

Founder, Chief Executive Officer
A trailblazer with a profound vision, Clifford got the idea with unwavering excellence to launch the first Cybercafé and Hosting Service in Haiti.

Livingston HECTOR

Chief Operation Officer
Livingston is a seasoned professional with an extensive background. His commitment to excellence has garnered us a reputation for quality.


Chief Software Engineer
As a software engineer with a passion for innovation , Nahum has a track record of transforming complex ideas into remarkable solutions.
Office National de l'Aviation Civile
Université Espoir de Calvary Chapel
Mosaïques Gardère S.A
Faculté des Sciences Infirmières de Léogane
BN Shipping
Société Nationale des Parcs Industriels
Fondation Je Klere
Institut des Sciences, des Technologies et des Études Avancées d'Haïti
Administration Générale des Douanes
Confédération des Travailleurs, Travailleuses des Secteur Public et Privé
NIC Haïti
Chambre de Conciliation et d'Abritrage d'Haïti